SD "Read Only"


Sep 26, 2010
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If there is another thread addressing this issue, please forgive me and direct me toward it. Out of the blue my Incredible will not recognize my SD card. Says read only and I can get access to nothing. I connected to my pc and it will not even recognize it. Can you please help? Thanks!

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Yes, it is mounted as read only. I can not even unmount it. I have the SD card icon in the notification bar and it has a question mark on it. I have powered off and removed the battery twice as well and still no luck.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Ok. Do you know where the rescue squad forum is? Search in there or post your problem. A mod may move it for you if you ask. The RS is good and will walk you through until your problem is fixed. Sorry I couldn't help. Good luck!

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How do I find that forum? Thanks for your help.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
If you're on your phone app click on forums then scroll down to droidforums rescue squad. If on your computer log in and scroll down to the rescue squad forum. You shouldn't have any problem finding it either way.

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Try pulling the card out and then reinserting it then power cycling your phone. Had my phone stop recognizing the card, did this and it works again. If that doesn't work then something might have gotten corrupted on the card, format it using a computer (plug it in using the sd card adapter, not through the phone) and it should work.

Sent from my Liberated D2G
Ok. Definitely will try both. Thanks. If I have to format it, won't I lose all my info?

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
I can't unmount it to format it, nor will the pc recognize it. I'm thinking its garbage at this point.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Ouch..... that happened to my mom's when she put it in her d2g from her BB storm. Was hoping it would recognize it and let you format though. Good thing theyve gotten to be pretty cheap now..... when i got my 2 gig for my alias (was the biggest they made then) it was like $40, now you can get a 16 gig for that.
Do you have a microSD card adapter? If so, read your card with that and see if your computer can see files on the card.
I finally got my daughters pc to read it so I transferred everything to a new card. Whewww! That was close.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Try to format it on that computer then. If it recognizes it then it should allow you. If it works then it will give you a back up atleast.

Sent from my Liberated D2G