I have read a little about Kit Kat and SD cards. My problems is I have a music app that downloads songs and puts them into its own folder. I than can use ES file explorer or My files and move the music to my SD card folder labeled music. I can see the file with either file program on my sd card but when I open a music player it does not show up. All my previous music before Kit Kat is on my SD card and will play. I have used Samsung native music app and power amp. Power amp used to see my old music but as for today it says folder is missing SD ext. My understanding was once I moved it into my SD card the music player that came with my S4 could see the file. Stock S4 Verizon
Any help would be great. I just want to keep my music and photos and video on SD card. I don't care if I have to use stock players to make it work.
Any help would be great. I just want to keep my music and photos and video on SD card. I don't care if I have to use stock players to make it work.