Hi all,
Thanks for reading and any responses in advance. I dropped my 7-week-old DNA a couple weeks ago and bit the $200 bullet to have a new screen installed. I have a case now, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Anyways, after the phone was dropped/screen cracked, I noticed that I had to push the power button to get the screen to come back on when I was ready to end a call. I hoped that when I got the new screen put it, it would solve the issue, but it hasn't. It's like the phone doesn't sense that it's going from my ear to a horizontal position. All other screen orientation changes (portrait to landscape, etc.) work fine.
It's something I know I could get used to, but it's pretty annoying to have to hit the power button then hit 'End Call'. If it's of any use, the crack on the phone started on the top right corner (just above the volume rocker), then went clear across the phone.
Any thoughts on ways to address this would be great from a hardware or software standpoint would be great. One easy fix I thought of was if there was a way for the screen to stay on the whole time I'm on a call instead of going black after a short while. Couldn't find a way to do that though. The company that put the new screen on for me will be opening the phone up one more time for another minor issue, so I could have them tackle a hardware issue at that time.
Thanks much!
Thanks for reading and any responses in advance. I dropped my 7-week-old DNA a couple weeks ago and bit the $200 bullet to have a new screen installed. I have a case now, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Anyways, after the phone was dropped/screen cracked, I noticed that I had to push the power button to get the screen to come back on when I was ready to end a call. I hoped that when I got the new screen put it, it would solve the issue, but it hasn't. It's like the phone doesn't sense that it's going from my ear to a horizontal position. All other screen orientation changes (portrait to landscape, etc.) work fine.
It's something I know I could get used to, but it's pretty annoying to have to hit the power button then hit 'End Call'. If it's of any use, the crack on the phone started on the top right corner (just above the volume rocker), then went clear across the phone.
Any thoughts on ways to address this would be great from a hardware or software standpoint would be great. One easy fix I thought of was if there was a way for the screen to stay on the whole time I'm on a call instead of going black after a short while. Couldn't find a way to do that though. The company that put the new screen on for me will be opening the phone up one more time for another minor issue, so I could have them tackle a hardware issue at that time.
Thanks much!