Bought a RAZR off craigslist today for repair. Its really weird. Its like TV fuzz on the display, but its green specs with blue and red in it too. Still pets on just fine, and everything works behind the scenes, just no picture. It also gets brighter like its warming up our something.
Any suggestions?
I already opened it and cleaned the terminals with alcohol, then re-seated the terminals, no difference. Also, no signs of water damage. The internal stickers were not activated, and no rust anywhere, not even in the USB port.
Buying a new screen to see if its the problem. Still up for suggestions though...
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Any suggestions?
I already opened it and cleaned the terminals with alcohol, then re-seated the terminals, no difference. Also, no signs of water damage. The internal stickers were not activated, and no rust anywhere, not even in the USB port.
Buying a new screen to see if its the problem. Still up for suggestions though...
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2