Sbf files

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It runs through 100% of the flashing process and says flash failed

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cdm, I am REAL new to this, may not be any help at all, but I kept trying it figuring I couldn't do any more damage:blink:. Finally got it, it seemed to do a little more each time.
It runs through 100% of the flashing process and says flash failed

Sent from my Ally using DroidForums

Are you using rsdlite 4,9. Seems like the biggest issue is people not getting the right version of rsdlite.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
Tried both version 4.7 and 4.9 rsd lite....gods all the way with 4.9 to 100% and says flash failed at the end with error code BE 0047....was told that the sbf file was probably bad...
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Do you have the current moto drivers installed. If your using windows you may see a pop up saying "installing drivers". Around the time rsdlite is doing the bp pass through.
I am going to set up a link to all the files needed but will not have them up until tomorrow.
If someone else is willing to do an in depth you tube walk- through I will host the files. I find we are answering the same questions way too often and most of the links out there are dead.
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Think I have the proper drivers installed because it went through the recognizes the phone and I even click on check for driver updates and it says up to date.......really think its the sbf file itself but I'm a noob so I don't know for sure.
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My wife has a d2g also and when I plug hers into the laptop it shows up on drive f but mine does not in the my computer area

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If you are not familiar on how to use RSDLite here is a brief overview
Method 1: While phone is on
Switch your device to PC mode
Turn on debugging mode (settings>applications>development>debugging mode)
Launch RSDLite (make sure device appears in window)
Select SBF
Device will switch to bootloader and begin the flashing process and will reboot when it is complete.
Method 2: While phone is off
To manually put your device in bootloader mode:
Turn off device
press and hold the up and down volume buttons
power on device (continue to hold the up and down volume buttons)
wala - you are in bootloader mode
Launch RSDLite (make sure device appears in window)
Select SBF
The difference between a full SBF and the system/boot SBF is that the full version
will flash the radio baseband and will require OTA activation afterward,
whereas the system/boot version will not flash the radio and service programming will be preserved.
Step 1: Boot into the bootloader, you do this by powering on and holding power on + volume up + volume down.
You should see a black screen with text that says battery: OK

Step 2: Plug is your usb cord into the computer you loaded the rsdlite file on

Step 3: Click on your rsdlite program. You need to run as an administrator,
to do that hold shift key and right click on the rsdlite program (do that as you are about to open the program). Thanks Firesong3k for reminding me about that.

Step 4: Next to the file name text box in the rsdlite program are three little dots.
Click on those dots and find the file Click on that file and then click start. Make sure you have a strong battery before flashing this is the one time you need to ensure your battery is ok to get through the process, because the program erases everything and re-flashes your phone.

Step 5: Wait for it to get to 100% and reboot your phone to the motorola "M" symbol first
then unplug your device. While at the M take off the battery cover out and remove your battery. Wait for about 3 seconds and then reinstall your battery. Power on and hold the physical X key until you get to the triangle and !.

Step 6: on your physical keyboard push the search button to get into the recovery mode.
From there you are going to wipe data/factory reset. AFter that is complete click reboot.
FINALLY....Able to unbrick my phone....turns out it was the file...was finally able to flash it this morning....running great....big thanks too all who helped me

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If your running windows xp you will need 32 bit drivers .. for windows 7 you will need 64 bit drivers ... both available from multiple sources...

RSDlite 4.9 and drivers are all from Motorolla

If you got a few bucks look into Team Black Hat... they have stock SBF zips that work perfect with RSDlite... love them. I believe they also have the drivers as well... good luck. :)

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
If your running windows xp you will need 32 bit drivers .. for windows 7 you will need 64 bit drivers
This is incorrect.
You need 32bit drivers for 32bit versions of Windows, be it XP, Vista, or 7.
You need 64bit drivers for 64bit versions of Windows, again, doesn't matter if it's XP, Vista, or 7.

You cannot install 32bit drivers properly on a 64bit edition of Windows XP.