Google is launching an Android Security Rewards Program. Security experts are the guys who bring us unlocked bootloaders and root methods. Mostly this is due to the fact that they contact OEMs with security holes in their Android builds and don't hear back, so they take to forums with root methods which force OEMs to take action. Pretty soon you see over the air updates which patch up all the holes. This is normally a win win for everyone. We get our root methods and Android builds get all patched up and become more secure.
Google's new program will encourage security experts to release these exploits and holes directly to Google. There won't be a good reason for a security expert to release a root method to the masses. This program will only effect the latest version of Android available for Nexus phones and tablets.
There will be monetary rewards which will vary depending on the severity of the exploit. Moderate severity bugs will net you $500 while Critical bugs will net you $2000. There are multipliers for work done in the form of test code fixes. You can earn up to $8,000. There are rewards for super complex fixes of up to $30,000.
via Google.com