Samsung phones texting your Photos

me just sayin

Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2017
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Note 8
It is being reported that some samsung phones are texting photos from your phone. Some are saying it is just with T-Mobile and others are saying it is because of some RCS messaging update. Personally I am taking a wait and see attitude because of the small number of reports. But just in case, better move any embarrassing photos to a secure folder.

some devices are randomly sending your camera roll photos to your contacts without permission. As first spotted by Android Central and later covered by Gizmodo, users are complaining about the issue on Reddit and the company’s official forums. One user says his phone sent all his photos to his girlfriend. The messages are being sent through Samsung’s default texting app Samsung Messages. According to reports, the Messages app does not even show users that files have been sent; many just find out after they get a response from the recipient of the random photos sent to them.

Samsung phones are spontaneously texting users’ photos to random contacts without their permission