Samsung & Oppo Face Legal Action Over Smartphone Bloatware


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Jan 30, 2012
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A Chinese consumer protection group launched legal action against Samsung and Oppo stating that consumers lose too much storage space that they had paid for.

The council said, They started the legal action following a growing number of complaints about pre-installed Apps. They said people had complained about the amount of space the Apps took up and the difficulty removing these Apps. In addition, these Apps ate into data allowances when updated.

A study showed a standard Galaxy Note 3 could contain 44 pre-installed programs that could not be removed or were hard to disable. One Oppo phone tested was found to have 47 apps that could not be uninstalled.

Perhaps some of the Bloat is useful, but I still want the ability to remove them at will.

Removable Bloat or No Bloat. What are your thought?
Depends on what that bloat is. Off the top of my head, I dont remember what all came on the LG G3, but some of the preinstalled apps I DO use. But I agree, I should be able to remove ALL of them, easily, if I ever want to. Not just disable, but completely remove.
Haven't had a problem dealing with bloat on my last few Samsung devices. Even though they've been rooted, I never completely delete them. Too risky in case you need to return to stock. Of course having the option to remove them would be nice, but no carrier in the US will ever do that so there's no point in entertaining the idea IMO. It's just as easy to freeze bloat and throw a larger ext sd card in. Of course with Samsung doing away with ext sd cards, I'm still hoping they come to their senses by the time the S7 comes out and bring them back. I'm confident they will.
(Remember who told you first)

S5 tap'n
I don't mind them putting them item on there, i have said this many many times in the past, but do not bake it into the system and allow us not to remove it. Bloatware is a major problem, but it's not only by the manufacturers but also by the retailers too, all the major 4 do it, which are the people who should not be touching anything or adding anything to the phone.
Plenty of peeps don't like the bloat but also if company is pushing a certain style phone such as a Note series.. You would think they want their featured apps that compliment the phone.. what one person considers bloat might be useful for others.. So like the Sony phone I was able to uninstall plenty and disable others... Let's get to the bottom here.. Stop releasing phones with small internal storage and everyone will be happy..

Z3+ Tapatalk
The bloat itself doesnt bother me so much as the thought/concept of it. It is annoyong when i buy a 32 gb phone hoping for close to that and find out that ive lost 5 or 6 gb to bloat. I would love to see this same thing happen in the US. At least take all that bloat oit of the system apps and move them to a place i can delete them and give me the option to keep what i want and delete tje rest

Note 4Tified
I think the purpose of the suit isn't about bloatware itself but choices.
I'd rather see them make the embedded launcher removable than just some add on apps, if I had to choose between the 2. Samsung skin uses more memory than a few apps tossed in on top of it.
I also find it hypocritical to prefer a different device, such as a Nexus unless you're going to hack it and remove Google bloatware. To say "but I use it" is only accepting bloatware from another company. It's still bloatware and I'd like the choice to remove it as well. How much of that embedded bloat they quote is Samsung specific and how much is Google? I use Gmail daily but I'd like to be able to remove it if I prefer an aftermarket one, just like when Android was younger is an example of what I'd want.

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Beast Mode 4
removable, especially if you paid full price. If they want to advertise with their App. on my device than pay me.
It should be removable, but more importantly, the listed and advertised memory should be FREE and available memory over and above what is needed for the system and bloat. (Truth in advertising)

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note4 using Tapatalk
I don't like these APPs,just want to remove it and give me more space to download APPs what I need .
My phone and tablet are both Samsung products. Both came with a measly 16gb internal memory but I could add 128gb microSD. So what makes them think that it is now ok to replace that ability because they added another 16gb to the device.I agree some people like some of the included apps (I do on my Note 4) but it should be my choice as I paid for it. Disabling does not remove it from taking storage space which is desperately needed by many other apps that won't run from an SD card.
The apps should be links to the apps in the Google Play store. I should be able to download/install if I want. The problem is that a lot of apps that come preinstalled are intermingled with the Android framework for that manufacturer, so uninstalling is almost impossible.
Aftermarket apps also can intermingle deeply into our devices, thus why we have to accept all the permissions.
Here's an example of one that seems simple enough but is deeply embedded in the device


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Beast Mode 4
hmmm, a flashlight app that needs every permission available? Seems safe to me! ;)
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