Just last week we reported that a Samsung exec confirmed a new Galaxy product would be coming in October with Samsung's first curved flexible display technology. There was also a rumor that the device might be a new "limited edition" version of the Galaxy Note 3. However, some new intel out of Korea suggests that Samsung is beginning mass production on 5.5-inch flexible displays for an unknown device. Since the GNote3 is a 5.7-inch phone, this new rumor seems to refute the previous one. Could this be a completely new Samsung product, or could the "limited edition" GNote3 simply be a smaller version of the GNote3. Right now, this new intel only leaves more questions than answers.
That isn't all we have on the subject of flexible displays. LG is supposedly ready to jump in the game next month with their flexible tech as well. According to the source of this info, LG is planning to launch a new flexible display device in October alongside Samsung and they area already set to produce 35,000 plastic flex panels per month.
Both reports have something in common as well, and this is something which has been reported previously. The first devices with this technology will not initially come with bendable displays, but will simply be lighter and unbreakable because of the plastic materials. Despite this, the future of bendable tech is just on the horizon, and in fact, it might only be a few years before we also see stretchable flex displays in devices. Here's a quote with a few more details on the subject, and you can see a pic of the prototype above,
Still, the future will bring bendable OLED displays, according to EE Times, which recently spoke to UCLA researchers. The researchers have demonstrated two small prototype displays that are “bendable, foldable, and stretchable while operating, surviving over 1,000 trials of stretching 30 percent larger than their original shape and size.”
Source: UnWiredView