Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus Might Include 128GB Storage After All


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
Initial reports suggested the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus might not include a 128GB option, just like they ditched on the Galaxy Note 5. According to Sammy's own product order website, that is not the case. As you can see here (at the time of this post), you can get a 128GB storage option version of the S6 Edge Plus: Smartphones Cell Phones Compare Review Browse Carriers Samsung
I saw this earlier and thought "Well this is going to make some people VERY happy" A lot of people were really upset and passed on it based on the "limited storage"
Costco lists a 128gb version. I thought it might be their mistake. Neither Best Buy nor Verizon does. Hmmm? Maybe the 128gb version will only be available for sale from certain retailers?

sent from my Note3, (currently, but soon to be??) using tapatalk
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Costco lists a 128gb version. I thought it might be there mistake. Neither Best Buy nor Verizon does. Hmmm? Maybe the 128gb version will only be available for sale from certain retailers?

sent from my Note3, (currently, but soon to be??) using tapatalk
Thats interesting...hmmmmm. What was the price?
2 year contract=$499.99
Verizon mnthly=$37.50

64gb = $100 less for both contract & retail /$33.50 month

32gb =$200 less than the 128gb/$29.17 month

sent from my Note3, (currently, but soon to be??) using tapatalk
Tmo is only selling 32GB versions of each.
Verizon is only offering the Gold Platinum S6 Edge + in 32GB. Now that's a shame.