Right now it seems like the primary complaints against the new Galaxy Gear smartwatch is the price and the fact that it will only work with the Galaxy Note 3 or Galaxy Note 10.1. While there isn't likely to be much of a change on the price anytime soon, at least the second complaint is being addressed. Samsung recently confirmed that eventually the Galaxy Gear will be compatible with other devices, and not just other Galaxy devices either.
At the moment the main compatibility issue is two-fold. The first problem is that the Galaxy Gear uses Bluetooth 4.0 (LE). This is a limit that is based upon devices that are compatible with that specific Bluetooth standard. That leaves the question, "why wouldn't it then work with any Nexus device which has been upgraded to Android 4.3, since Bluetooth 4.0 (LE) is a part of that upgrade?" The answer leads to the second problem, and that is software specific APIs. Basically the Galaxy Gear currently only has software built-in that is designed to sync-up with the GNote3 phone and the GNote10.1 Tab. Here's a quote from Samsung director of product marketing Ryan Bidan,
“Right now the specific APIs and functionality are tied to the Galaxy Note 3. For obvious reasons we are looking for additional devices to support it,” Bidan said. “We will announce those when they come, but right now it is Galaxy Note 3 specific.”
It's great to see that Samsung plans to make the Galaxy Gear compatible with other Android devices in the future, but would that be enough to draw your interest considering the $300 price? Share your thoughts.
Source: TalkAndroid