Safestrip to stock and ota?


Oct 6, 2010
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I'm sure this has been covered in so many different ways.. sorry. Can someone please tell me if its possible to boot into my safe mode in safestrap and install a stock image and get the ota updates? If so what steps do i need to take. I'm currently running the 5.7.893 in unsafe system. Thanks
anyone????? 2 threads in a row with several hundred views and not a single reply.
Just haven't upgraded in a long time. Anything with atleast or as close as possible to newest patches with be fine. Doesn't have to be completely stock. Or I can move this to the custom side etc? Thanks
Although it is NOT a good idea restore unsafe side ROMs on the safe side, it could be done I guess. I personally would not do it.
I am not sure what custom ROM options are available for .893 anymore. If you upgrade to .902, you will have more options.
Why would you even want to do this? Whats the benefit of running stock on the safe side opposed to the unsafe side?
its just that everything is pretty stable right now on the unsafe side except for the data issues every now and then, not often and not being on the official update path. I guess i could copy this over to the safe side and upgrade it or whatever i need to do. That's what im asking, what should i do, should i do a fresh install of the stock rom and do ota's or what? If so what way should i go about it. Thanks again for your help.
I see what you trying to do, but it is impossible none the less. The safe rom is installed in the preinstall partition and uses all the other partitions just as the original system does. The safe side is not a completely different phone, just a different rom. It still uses the original webtop/kernel/radio etc. You need to update stock on the unsafe side to have the most current build.
so what do i need to do to get from 5.7.893 to the latest official ota build?
so what do i need to do to get from 5.7.893 to the latest official ota build?

First read up on stickie "detailed safestrap instructions" and all the post a lot of info. "unsafe system" means not safe to write too hence "safe system" means safe to write too. I believe what "timmy10shoes" is saying you need to go into safestrap revert back to "unsafe system" (which is stock rom plus root).
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can you post me a link how to do the fxz timmy please, never done that before, thanks for all your help guys.
Install rsd lite and the drivers (32 bit or 64 bit depending on your pc) Unzip the 902 fxz and the modded xml zip. Put the altered xml in the unzipped 902 folder. Put your phone in fastboot (power down and hit down volume and power together) Open rsd lite and hit the |…| on the top right. Navigate to the 902 folder and choose the eye_dea xml and then press start.
hey thanks alot, im doing it now, this modded xml file that im putting into the the 920 folder, im not replacing another file correct?