S7 Edge Explodes, Samsung Being Sued!


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Oct 6, 2011
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As if the Note 7 debacle weren't enough now there is a report of a Galaxy S7 Edge that has exploded. This appears to be an isolated incident since there are no widespread reports of this happening. The incident was reported on May 30th before even the first Note 7 incident was reported. Daniel Ramirez says he received third degree burns when the phone exploded in his pocket while he was working at a bookstore in Ohio.

He has filed a product liability lawsuit against Samsung. The lawsuit calls on Samsung to now investigate the safety of Galaxy S7 Edge devices. Of course the law firm is looking for class action status and is asking for anyone who has had an S7 Edge to explode to contact them. Ramirez says the phone started whistling and screeching as smoke bellowed out of it. He burned his hand when he reached into his pocket to remove the phone which had caught fire inside his pocket. The phone then exploded without warning. Photos of the scorched phone and the burns on the victim have been posted to the law firm's website. Samsung has not commented on this yet.

via classcation.com
IDK, Something seems sketchy. With all the Issues with the Note 7 and Potential Suits, am I the only person that thinks we will see people trying to cash in anyway they can. Obviously Pain and Suffering can get Big Money. This reminds me of the People having Issues with having their Phones under their Pillows when they slept. When these devices are on they generate heat. Heat that needs to be Dissipated. Holding in the Heat for extended periods of time is not good. I have had issues where my Droid Turbo would go nuclear when i had it in the Defender. I saw the Battery Temp hitting 137Degrees. It was quite uncomfortable. Sometime people need to use commonsense and unfortunately with the way Lawyers are you can pretty much sue for anything these days.
Ok, So i see that this incident happened Prior to the Note 7 Release. Guess we will find out more info after investigation. Not for nothing but if your doing Construction I dont know if it would be a good thing to have your phone in your pocked like that especially the back pocket when you can run the risk of damaging it and possibly that may have caused this issue.
Wow. Those pictures are crazy. Definitely a serious situation, but I have to wonder too if something else was up.

He's a construction worker. It's summer time. I assume he's working outside, with the phone in his back pocket, wedged up against his body, absorbing heat from him and the sun while he bends over working.

Idk about the S7, but I know the S4 used to get VERY hot while doing things like navigating/etc. Perhaps it was an app running amok? Keeping the device awake and causing the temp to rise. This, added to the heat of the summer and the body heat of the guy could just as easily explain this incident, even if it's still a stretch.

I think it's kinda funny that they're looking for others to report and try to get a class action going. You'd think others definitely would've spoken up when the Note fiasco got as big as it has gotten.

Sure, this report comes from before all of that, but if I'd experienced an S7 or Edge catching fire and then saw all of this, I'd definitely be coming forward.

Feel bad for the guy. The burns look agonizing.
Since samsung phones are waterproof, just carry around a liquid cooling tank, like nuclear power plants have and dunk it in when it gets hot.
I do it all the time with my xperia z3v. When camera overheats and stops working(only with proprietary Sony cam app, Google cam works fine) I just trow the phone in the pool or under a cold faucet. Works like a charm!

BTW, samsung market value lost $22 billion in 2 days.
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Not to be adversarial, but did you all see those pictures? They are both horrific and devastating. That's not something that's easily faked, and the surgery - performed by licensed professionals isn't done on a whim...it's done to save a leg, and possibly a life.

3rd degree burns, at a minimum will leave permanent scars, can affect motor skills as muscles are damaged, can become infected and there is a risk of gangrene setting in, the shock to the body and its systems, and the attempt for the body to repair itself can be life threatening as it stops putting energy to other systems and instead concentrates on the burned area. And let's not forget the pain...ungodly pain, often so excruciating that it causes the patient to go into shock or coma. Even the most powerful pain relievers can't completely mute the pain. And then there's the emotional and mental pain. Being disfigured for the rest of your life is quite a bit of baggage to carry.

Oh, and then there are the number of additional surgeries and ongoing potential for infection. And as for cashing in, did we forget to mention the medical bills? They can easily run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars initially, depending on the severity of the injuries suffered and can be in the millions over the long haul.

I make no assumptions about people and their motivation, especially when it involves personal injury or death and the alleged causes. This is clearly not an attempt to "try to cash in", without just cause. If you suffered personal injury to the extent those photos prove, I would hope you would sue as well. This wasn't a phone that reached 137 degrees and was uncomfortable. It was a phone that reached temperatures well in excess of 1,000 degrees, flames and explosive force.

The three blatant marks on the initial photo show the phone in his pants, noted in the front pocket, resting against the front of his thigh for perhaps brief periods, but with his frantic attempt to remove it and getting burned on his hand in the process, it was able to ignite the pants that contact the leg in three spots and caused up to 3rd degree burns. This is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Let's pray for this unintended and unfortunate victim, and hope he recovers quickly and with as minimal long lasting effects as humanly possible.
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Phone exploding with "no warning" is the real issue. Besides producing smoke and noise Ramirez should have been informed adequately that something's wrong!
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Wow. Those pictures are crazy. Definitely a serious situation, but I have to wonder too if something else was up.

He's a construction worker. It's summer time. I assume he's working outside, with the phone in his back pocket, wedged up against his body, absorbing heat from him and the sun while he bends over working.

Idk about the S7, but I know the S4 used to get VERY hot while doing things like navigating/etc. Perhaps it was an app running amok? Keeping the device awake and causing the temp to rise. This, added to the heat of the summer and the body heat of the guy could just as easily explain this incident, even if it's still a stretch.

I think it's kinda funny that they're looking for others to report and try to get a class action going. You'd think others definitely would've spoken up when the Note fiasco got as big as it has gotten.

Sure, this report comes from before all of that, but if I'd experienced an S7 or Edge catching fire and then saw all of this, I'd definitely be coming forward.

Feel bad for the guy. The burns look agonizing.
I couldn't click the link because I am at work but the story above says he was working in a bookstore. Where is the construction worker stuff coming from? Does the website say that?
I couldn't click the link because I am at work but the story above says he was working in a bookstore. Where is the construction worker stuff coming from? Does the website say that?
Confused me for a minute, because I know I read that somewhere, but yes. The first sentence of the article:
Daniel Ramirez was working construction at a bookstore in Ohio when his Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge caught fire in his pocket, causing him second and third degree burns.
Phone exploding with "no warning" is the real issue. Besides producing smoke and noise Ramirez should have been informed adequately that something's wrong!
In most cases you might think you'd have time to react, but this happens very quickly and by the time is screaming and smoking, is already burning and jets of flame could come in seconds.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
In most cases you might think you'd have time to react, but this happens very quickly and by the time is screaming and smoking, is already burning and jets of flame could come in seconds.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I've worked construction before. Depending on what he was doing, he may not have really noticed until it was already painfully hot.

Sent from my Moto Z
I've worked construction before. Depending on what he was doing, he may not have really noticed until it was already painfully hot.

Sent from my Moto Z
Agreed. High temperature burns can create significant damage before the body fully recognises it's happening.

I leaned with my hand on a muffler to support myself on my snow blower last winter (04/05), and leaned over to check the throttle control. By the time I realized it and pulled my hand off I had second degree burns.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Agreed. High temperature burns can create significant damage before the body fully recognises it's happening.

I leaned with my hand on a muffler to support myself on my snow blower last winter (04/05), and leaned over to check the throttle control. By the time I realized it and pulled my hand off I had second degree burns.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Wow @FoxKat. You and heat should stay as far away from each other as possible!

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note4 using TapaTalk
Wow @FoxKat. You and heat should stay as far away from each other as possible!

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note4 using TapaTalk
Haha, it sounds worse than it really was, but thanks. I'll certainly take your advice. I don't like burns, just like the next guy/gal.

For clarification I am not even remotely comparing my injuries to those reported in the cell phone issues, they are horrific and very sad. I was simply raising the point that at the exact moment of such burns the worse they are, it seems...the less rapidly the body responds. I suggest it may have to do with how quickly the damage occurs due to the extreme heat versus how long it takes for the message to make it to the brain.

I want everyone not to discount how serious these injuries depicted are, and that nobody should make light of them. These people suffered terribly and will continue to suffer for an indeterminate amount of time going forward, in some cases the rest of their lives. Any attempt to suggest that these were somehow staged or whatever should be resisted.