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S4 refuses to wake to my command. It used to before...


New Member
When on SVoice, it won`t `wake` to the wake up command. I have to press the mike button every time. Now before (I think in 4.2) it worked to my custom command every time, now it doesn`t. I even changed back to `Hi Galaxy` and it won`t wake. However, it hears fine from the Lock screen and Unlocks. I`ve only had the phone a week, but I`m pretty sure i`ve tried every possible setting to fix this, however, i`m posting here just incase i`ve missed something. I have the recent 4.3 firmware update.

I really liked this feature so any help in getting it back would be appreciated...
Yes. Usually that remedies any little glitches/bugs going on.

Unfortunately, still not working (or did I do the process wrong? took battery out, waited 10 seconds, put back). I decided to download and try the trial version of EVA last night to test and that can do it! So I don`t know what`s going on with the default SVoice...:blink:

I`ll keep fiddling with settings, but SVoice just doesn`t want to wake up for me, is it waking with a Command for you guys?

p.s. Wow is Eva expensive!
Try clearing the cache of sVoice. If that doesn't work try clearing the data and it'll be like getting a fresh start.

A battery pull is when you take out the battery while the phone is still on.
Try clearing the cache of sVoice. If that doesn't work try clearing the data and it'll be like getting a fresh start.

A battery pull is when you take out the battery while the phone is still on.

Clearing the Cache didn`t work, but clearing the Data did! I learned something too.

Thankyou very much indeed for your patience and politeness.dancedroid
Glad it worked. For future reference, a battery pull should be at least a minute, and I would turn it off first. Any time there is a patch, I do a battery pull immediately after - and when anything strange is happening. Some folks do a FDR after updates, but that can take days to get your phone back the way you want it, to say nothing of potentially losing app data (password vault files, etc). FDR should be last resort.
Clearing the Cache didn`t work, but clearing the Data did! I learned something too.

Thankyou very much indeed for your patience and politeness.dancedroid
Glad to hear you got it fixed.

Just remember for little hiccups like this try those steps in that order.
There`s just one more thing...

I mentioned in my first post that I had `hi galaxy` customised to a personal command. This is not the same as the `unlock` command. You could wake Svoice with your own wake up call instead of `hi galaxy`.

I think that patch 4.3 has removed this custom ability. It might also be why I had the problem after that firmware. I don`t know, but no matter how hard I try, I can`t change `Hi galaxy` to my own command any more. Now i`m forced to say `Hi Galaxy` instead of my less geeky custom. Not very personal.

Blast you, samsung. Maybe I can send them an email about it?
I suppose it`s not really important here, but I thought i`d update anyway.

I did indeed send a message about custom wake ups instead of `Hi galaxy` to Samsun itself and they responded (very quickly) to tell me that their next update will fix this. Also they`re suspending all firmware updates and will release an updated version.

Hope they`re really on it.