For quite a few weeks we have heard rumblings of a potential white Nexus 4 smartphone, but today marks the first real "evidence" that it might be more than a "unicorn." As you can see above, a pic has surfaced of a white Nexus 4 device. Of course, this could easily be faked, so there is no reason to assume it is legit; however, there is also no real reason to assume the opposite either. The EXIF data on the actual photograph seems to have come from an LG Optimus G, which lends a bit more credence to the possibility this is the real deal. In fact, according to the guys at PhoneArena, under FotoForensics scrutiny, the pic passed the test of probable validity.
What do you guys think? Would you be interested if a white version of the Nexus 4 hit the streets?
Source: PhoneArena