We don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but there is a rumor floating through the web that the Samsung Galaxy S5 might have a lower MSRP than the Galaxy S4 did when it first launched. Of course, it's all in the details isn't it? Right now the rumor suggests the lower price will happen in Korea first (if it happens at all). Here's a quote with some of the relevant info,
The tale goes like this: in South Korea, Samsung would like to price the Galaxy S5 in the 800,000 to 850,000 won bracket, which would be 100,000 to 150,000 won cheaper than the Galaxy S4′s launch price of 950,000 won. The price difference amounts to around $100 to $140. However, the prices in South Korea are insanely high – that 950,000 won the Galaxy S4 went for translates into roughly $891.
As you can see, it's not necessarily anything too terribly exciting. Even if these possibly lower prices for the Galaxy S5 do filter out farther than South Korea, it might not amount to a great deal. It's possible we might see a $500-550 USD price for an off contract phone, and $150-180 for the contract version. Of course, if they get really competitive and drop it down to $100-150 on contract, then they might be able to spark some enhanced interest. What do you think?
Source: UnWiredView
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