2 versions of a Black Bar theme for Rubix 1.6...
With color battery...
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
With % battery...updated to v.2 (11/07/2010)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
-Icons are from various Droid themes, some stock icons from the X, and custom battery...enjoy!
To install, download whichever version you would like:
1. Reboot into recovery mode with Droid X Bootstrapper
2. Backup your ROM (optional in case something goes wrong)
3. Select "install from zip sdcard", navigate to file
4. Install
5. Reboot and Enjoy!
*Use at your own risk...I am not responsible for you messing up your phone so only do this if you know how to fix your X.

With color battery...
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

With % battery...updated to v.2 (11/07/2010)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
-Icons are from various Droid themes, some stock icons from the X, and custom battery...enjoy!
To install, download whichever version you would like:
1. Reboot into recovery mode with Droid X Bootstrapper
2. Backup your ROM (optional in case something goes wrong)
3. Select "install from zip sdcard", navigate to file
4. Install
5. Reboot and Enjoy!
*Use at your own risk...I am not responsible for you messing up your phone so only do this if you know how to fix your X.