Previous post: I get into recovery mode by holding the volume DOWN and camera buttons...
Anyway, so I couldn't get RSD to connetct (v4.8). One thing that has hosed programs running is a safety feature in win 7- when you start up RSD, instead of left click- right click>properties>compatability tab> and select the run as administrator option.
Make sure you have a sighned version of the .sbf, or your install might not go through. I had hosed my phone, had no proper .sbf- if you are stuck, you can goto the VZ store and have them restore it. VZ phone tech support verified. But I had to push the salesman, they didn't know what I was talking about. Tell them something like "when you had to manually update the Droid X's/ Droid 2s to Froyo, that program, that proceedure". just in case you can't get the .sbf to flash right for whatever reason. Its kinda cheating, haveing VZ fix the phone for ya, but all paths lead to Rome, right?