I rooted my Razr using the sticky on the hacks forum
I unrooted to get the OTA (didnt know about voodoo, but used ginger unroot) Even though i feel lucky to still have some root privileges, I kind of what to reroot my phone.
Now, this update however seemed to be a hit! Everything has improved.
My question is, is there an updated version of root because I want to reroot, but I didnt think it made since to go from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 and back to 2.3.5.....
Or should i just do without rooting for awhile? Cuz surprisingly my Wifi tether hack still works and a couple of other rooted apps work. The only thing that doesn't work is Titanium Backup, and i deleted safety strap before the OTA in case i had problems.
I unrooted to get the OTA (didnt know about voodoo, but used ginger unroot) Even though i feel lucky to still have some root privileges, I kind of what to reroot my phone.
Now, this update however seemed to be a hit! Everything has improved.
My question is, is there an updated version of root because I want to reroot, but I didnt think it made since to go from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 and back to 2.3.5.....
Or should i just do without rooting for awhile? Cuz surprisingly my Wifi tether hack still works and a couple of other rooted apps work. The only thing that doesn't work is Titanium Backup, and i deleted safety strap before the OTA in case i had problems.