All credit goes to Adrynalyn over at XDA for the awesome Rom.....
Orig link: [ROM]Superclean 2.5!! *UPDATED* - xda-developers
[ROM]Superclean 2.5!! *UPDATED*
Hey folks,
I have been waiting to update so that I could release a super clean froyo version for you.
2.5 changelog (Its big)
Merged portions of EB16 into EB01 superclean.
EB16 and superclean now share 614 (out of 857 total superclean files) of the same files. The list is too large to really show. So the rom is ~75% EB16, and the rest EB01, either stock files, or modded by me/others.
Modified sbrissen's current phone, lock, and time mods into current superclean framework. This includes aosp lock answer, am/pm/clock on-off via settings (clock off requires reboot), and better removal of full battery notification.
Go to settings, time and date to make these changes.
Added xoom boot animation, modified by mastamoon to better fit our resolution.
Modified my dialer to be a bit more elegant, now that Samsung partially fixed their typos (I fixed the rest).
Fixed the ringtone corruption on some ringtones (I think).
Orig link: [ROM]Superclean 2.5!! *UPDATED* - xda-developers

Hey folks,
I have been waiting to update so that I could release a super clean froyo version for you.

2.5 changelog (Its big)
Merged portions of EB16 into EB01 superclean.
EB16 and superclean now share 614 (out of 857 total superclean files) of the same files. The list is too large to really show. So the rom is ~75% EB16, and the rest EB01, either stock files, or modded by me/others.
Modified sbrissen's current phone, lock, and time mods into current superclean framework. This includes aosp lock answer, am/pm/clock on-off via settings (clock off requires reboot), and better removal of full battery notification.
Go to settings, time and date to make these changes.
Added xoom boot animation, modified by mastamoon to better fit our resolution.
Modified my dialer to be a bit more elegant, now that Samsung partially fixed their typos (I fixed the rest).
Fixed the ringtone corruption on some ringtones (I think).