When a device gets a bootloader unlock method many times developers will become comfortable with beginning development for that device. We are starting to see more development take place on the RAZR HD. However development won't truly go crazy on this device until Motorola gets a bit better at releasing source code in a timely manner. A new rom has been released for the RazrHD by developer "BigDaddyHicks" of Team Rage. Rage HD is a Deodexed, Debloated, Pre-Rooted Rom. It includes some performance tweaks like "loopy smoothness", full init.d support, Pie Control, DSP Manager, Goo Manager Updates, Tons of battery saving tweaks, Apex Launcher, Apollo, AdFree, Power Toggles, Busy Box, CPU Sleeper for even more battery savings and more! There is also a Metallic Blue Theme that will rid this rom of Blur!
Via DroidRzr.com
Via DroidRzr.com