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[ROM] [JB]CyanogenMod 10


Senior Member

note: I'm am not the dev, dragonzkiller is
if you want to thank him go to original thread on xda

[ROM][ALPHA][JB]CyanogenMod 10

  • Pop-up Text Message Notifications
  • Lockscreen Customization
  • Status Bar/Pulldown Customization
  • Homescreen/Drawer Customization
  • Themes
  • Profiles
  • Hard Button Key Remapping
  • Quiet Hours
  • And ALL the Jellybean Featues: Google Now, Smarter Keyboard, Notifications Overhaul, and much much more!

  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • 3G
  • Calling
  • GPS
  • Google Now
  • Audio System! (This was the biggest thing keeping me from releasing CM10.)
  • Camera..... ish (See known issues)
  • Maps (You won't end up in a lake in Norway on your trip to the movie theater)
Note: Internal SD is now /storage/sdcard0 and External SD is now /storage/sdcard1

New to Alpha 2:
  • New Advanced Settings Menu: This contains settings that will EVENTUALLY be added as time goes on. The only setting that works at the moment is the Hardware Acceleration. Don't get the hopes up just yet about HDMI Audio or the switchable memory yet.
  • New WiFi Module: This module is FAST. It connects in a snap and supposedly has faster download speeds. Don't quote me on the download speed as the people testing it said it. I can vouch for the connection times though.

Known Issues:
  • Recovery: Recovery has been fixed in Alpha 2, but flashing ROMs doesn't work. Restoring nandroids will work fine however.
  • Bluesleep/Deep Sleep: at it's current state, Alpha 2 doesn't have the bluesleep fix in it. This is because when it is enabled the proximity sensor doesn't turn the screen back on when it's supposed to also causing the phone call to kill audio. This problem can also occur by toggling bluetooth ("fixing the bluesleep"). The only known work around is to press the home button and swipe your finger across the sensor. Thanks to 32BitWhore for the help.
  • Stability: While not exactly an issue as CM10 is INCREDIBLY more stable than CM9, that doesn't mean that it's 100% yet. As of now, I've only had the broswer crash twice and the notification drawer flicker once. Your milage will vary.
  • Camera: At it's current state, the camcorder will not work like in CM9. I can't really do much about that for the moment or at all.
  • Some ICS/JB Apps Will Crash: This is noticeable on Chrome for example. This is because our drivers don't have External OES Textures. Basically that means when the apps want to draw using them (such as with Chrome's tab preview) the app will crash. This is the same problem on CM9/ICS. There is nothing we can do.
  • Data usage: Just don't ask me. I might get to it again one day. We'll see.

This can be installed over CM7/CM9 or BLUR but you MUST wipe data and cache if from CM7/BLUR. (CM9 should work w/o wipe, but it's untested).
  2. Download the links provided below and put it on the External SD Card
  3. Install the BSR (patched if on an AOSP based ROM, unpatched if on BLUR)
  4. Reboot into the BSR
  6. Install the CM10 zip from the SD Card
  7. Install the GAPPS from the SD Card
  8. MILESTONE X2 USERS ONLY: Install the WiFi patch from the SD Card
  9. Wipe both DATA and CACHE if coming from BLUR or CM7 (no need to wipe Dalvik if you wipe both of these)
  10. Reboot your phone
  11. Enjoy a better phone experience
Also, if you would like (but not needed) to donate, see the donate button by my name. Gas/food money goes a long way

I am not responsible for what you do to your phone. Flash at your own risk.
REQUIRED Google Apps (GAPPS): http://goo-inside.me/google-apps. Download the latest Jellybean version of them for here and check the MD5 sums from there also.

CyanogenMod 10-20121007-Daytona Alpha 2: http://d-h.st/9J6

Milestone X2 WiFi Patch (for all versions of 10): http://d-h.st/Pdy

Alpha 2:
Fix SD Card apps
Fixed camera app
Added Advanced Settings (only HWA working)
New WIFI Module (DX2 only)
mediaserver (apparently) fixed

Alpha 1:
First Public Release
Download: CyanogenMod 10-20120928-Daytona Alpha1: http://d-h.st/7y5

Last edited by dragonzkiller; 9th October 2012 at 09:47 PM. Reason: bluesleep issue

edit: 15 Oct 2012 updated to alpha 2

System recovery?

So is there a new system recovery we should be using for our dx2 with jellybean ? I am still using cyanogen 7 recovery. Thanks for any answers .
just use the cm7 recovery, works fine
just can't flash roms with it, in cm10 jellybean
but can flash nandroids
flashing cm9 and cm10, over stock, has a better success rate anyways

edit: should be a new version, out any day now

dragonzkiller ‏@dragonzkiller
The next #cm10dx2 will require the new gapps as will be 4.1.2. SD card fix, some performance updates and few others fixed in the release.
Thanks for the info . I am having trouble with wifi and I applied the patch 3 different times and cleared cache and dalvik nod when I go to settings the wifi slider does not move to on. Any ideas? Thanks again
Yea that's where I got alpha 2 From. It says wifi works if the patch works lol . So I guess I'm the exception of it not working
try without patch

edit: part of the problem is moto made droid x2 for verizon
and lumped the other carriers together, and called it milestone x2
but there is at least two versions of the milestone x2, maybe more
Ok yea I installed the wifi patch after I flashed the rom before I rebooted it . Think I can just flash the rom again without wiping data? I think I know that answer but thanks for the help I will let u know how I make out.
well, the bsr doesn't work correct with cm10
you can't flash roms, you should be able to make nandroid backup
wipe data, SBF, root, bsr, wipe data, flash cm10, gaaps, restore nandroid
but no promises
may want to try wifi before restoring nandroid, and make another nandroid before restoring
Yea it work now thanks . I just SBF the phone and started from scratch . I did not install the wifi patch and my wifi works now . Thanks for replying and giving tips I appreciate it .