Heres another thing with the Jellybean "update". If others are happy accepting to go buy new hardware, so be it, but ICS worked the day before and the android OS on the whole with this network for 2 years before without a problem, the instant JB updates, it all goes to hell. If I forget the network, restart the phone it will connect and run at full wifi speeds for a short time before it drops and will not connect again, if its incompatible as they say, then it shouldnt work at all, they have some other bug in there.
Also it dropped the bluetooth audio on my $40k truck, shall I go buy a new one of those? Its only a 2012.
Per the verizon tech, it has affected the razr series and bionic.
I'm not a coder and dont even pretend to have that much knowledge, but wouldnt it be possible for one of these ROM writers to take the old wifi code and implement it into one of the root roms to save everyone this hassle and messing with equipment? If it wasnt broken on ICS why should it be now.