FactoryROM Presents:
Verizon DNA 1.15.605.4 Rooted/Deodexed/Semi-Debloated/Busybox
Added and Changed Features:
Removed Permanent WIFI Status Bar Pop-up
Added 4 in 1 Reboot Settings
Added HTC Flashlight (Thanks dsb9938)
Added Superuser App
Removed NFC Status Bar Notification Icon
Updated Stock Wallpaper
Added Busybox
Zipaligned all APK's
Removed all HTC Bloat
Fixed SD-Card Permission Errors
Fixed Camcorder Force Closing Issue
(1) Make sure to make a backup prior to flashing this ROM.
(2) Format System, Factory Reset and Dalvik Cache
(3) Flash in ROM in TWRP
(4) Reboot & Profit
Download: FactoryROM DLX Final
MD5: d9313ceacdff24740eff070bb499ee9d
b16 (for the System Dump)
dsb9938 (for the Unlocked Kernel and Flashlight App)
x3deamon3x (Disable WIFI Nag)
Verizon DNA 1.15.605.4 Rooted/Deodexed/Semi-Debloated/Busybox
Added and Changed Features:
Removed Permanent WIFI Status Bar Pop-up
Added 4 in 1 Reboot Settings
Added HTC Flashlight (Thanks dsb9938)
Added Superuser App
Removed NFC Status Bar Notification Icon
Updated Stock Wallpaper
Added Busybox
Zipaligned all APK's
Removed all HTC Bloat
Fixed SD-Card Permission Errors
Fixed Camcorder Force Closing Issue
(1) Make sure to make a backup prior to flashing this ROM.
(2) Format System, Factory Reset and Dalvik Cache
(3) Flash in ROM in TWRP
(4) Reboot & Profit
Download: FactoryROM DLX Final
MD5: d9313ceacdff24740eff070bb499ee9d
b16 (for the System Dump)
dsb9938 (for the Unlocked Kernel and Flashlight App)
x3deamon3x (Disable WIFI Nag)
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