FactoryROM Project:2013 v1.0 - Team FactoryROM
Follow us on Twitter: @FactoryROM

* Android v4.2.1 Base
* FactoryLauncher v1.0 - Custom Jellybean Launcher
* Factory Stickers - Custom Wallpapers
* Custom Settings with ROM Control
* User Interface has been Darkened for Better Battery Life and Quick User Interaction
* T-Mobile Theme Engine (for AOKP & CM Themes)
* FactoryROM Stickers (custom Wallpaper Chooser)
* Custom FactoryROM Project:2013 Theme Systemwide
* Custom Device Options for the Galaxy Nexus
* Performance Control App (for Setting CPU and Governer Options)
* Inverted GAPPS
* SuperSU Super User App
* All Stock Apps Themed
User Interface Settings:
* Ability to Add Custom Boot Animation
* Ablilty to Disable Boot Animation
* Custom FactoryROM Boot Animation
* Ability to choose Android Launcher (through Aroma)
* Ability to change Custom Carrier Label
* Ability to choose Notification Background
* Show Notification Count on Statusbar
* Added Statusbar Brightness Slider
* Ability to change Statusbar and Navigation Bar Opacity
* Ability to Enable Kill-All-Button
* Ability to show RAM usage in Recents Menu
* Ability to Hold Back to Kill Current Activity
* Ability to Allow 180 Degree Device Rotation
* Ability to Show IME Switcher
Lock Screen Settings:
* Ability to change Lock Screen text color
* Ability to Display Battery Life Percentage on the Lock Screen
* Ability to use Volume Control to Wake Phone
* Ability to use Volume Control to Skip Tracks of Song while phone screen is Off
* Ability to Allow use of All Android Widgets on Lock Screen
* Ability to Allow Unlimited Number of Widgets on Lock Screen
Power Menu Options:
* Ability to show Screenshot, Torch Toggle, Airplane Mode Toggle and Navigation Bar Toggle
Navigation Bar Settings:
* Change the Menu Location
* Change the Menu Visablility
* Change Navigation Bar Color, and Glow Color
* Ability to show Menu Arrow Keys in Navigation Bar while typing
* Ability to customize Navigation Bar Buttons and Shortcuts
* Ability to change the Number of Navigation Bar Rings
* Ability to choose Navigation Bar Ring Shortcuts and Applications
* Ability to change Navigation Bar Height is Portrait and Landscape
* Ability to change Navigation Bar Transparentcy
* Ability to configure Navigation Bar Widgets
Status Bar Settings:
* Ability to change Battery Settings
* Ability to change Clock Settings
* Ability to change Signal Settings
* Ability to change Statusbar Toggles
Systemwide Settings:
* Ability to configure LED Otions
* Ability to configure Sounds Options
* Ability to configure Advanced Vibration Options

ROM: FactoryROM Project:2013 v1.0
MD5: d24b345a452f14cd6aa4e7609a13dd84
GAPPS: FactoryROM Project:2013 GAPPS
MD5: fdcdd7ea2e844171cc307e68576ebe79

* AOKP and CM Team for the Wonderful Android Base
* All of my Testers (You know who you are)
* Droid-Hive (for Hosting my Work)
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