Rock Band and Music


New Member
Aug 17, 2010
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I installed Rock Band from the HTC Thunderbolt's system dump link and it installed a bunch of sound files. The problem is, the sound files are showing up in my music app with the rest of my songs. Is there any way to not display them or get rid of them on the music app without deleting them entirely?
I installed Rock Band from the HTC Thunderbolt's system dump link and it installed a bunch of sound files. The problem is, the sound files are showing up in my music app with the rest of my songs. Is there any way to not display them or get rid of them on the music app without deleting them entirely?

Rockband? Dang where did you find this? :D

And if you get a 3rd party music app, I use MixZing, you can choose what folders your music is in. Which would help you in this situation. Just look in the market for some options.