New Member
I have been on .232 since it leaked and was confirmed to be fx-able. I was one of those who forgot a step in the Samuri-HOB (KUDOS out to Samuri on the HOB by the way - you are a digital Jedi...) and didn't clear the cache, and experienced some problems.
I FDR'd the Bionic, fx's back to 905 and reinstalled .232 the RIGHT way and I have had nothing but clear sailing.
Now the question: with the prospect of the soak-test and possible OTA coming soon, I planned on FDR'ing and installing the OTA from scratch upon release. However, would it be recommended to start from scratch with reinstalling all apps and program data, or could one restore program data from Titanium Backup (provided the backup was performed on the .232 release)? Thanks. -Sleeh
I FDR'd the Bionic, fx's back to 905 and reinstalled .232 the RIGHT way and I have had nothing but clear sailing.
Now the question: with the prospect of the soak-test and possible OTA coming soon, I planned on FDR'ing and installing the OTA from scratch upon release. However, would it be recommended to start from scratch with reinstalling all apps and program data, or could one restore program data from Titanium Backup (provided the backup was performed on the .232 release)? Thanks. -Sleeh