Restore Car Home on S4?


Mar 8, 2010
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I just upgraded from a Motorola D4 to a Samsung Galaxy S4. I really liked the car home on my old phone that was launched when I put the phone in my car dock. I noticed that the S4 doesn't come with one, but that there are several on the Play store. My question is how do I have a car home (i.e. Car Home Ultra) launch automatically when I put the S4 in my car dock instead of the desk clock? I know there are task automation apps available, but I am not sure what action I am trying to capture.
If your phone connects to a bluetooth device when you enter your car, you could use Tasker (or similar app) to automatically launch Car Home Ultra. I believe you could also get Tasker to launch an app once you reach a certain speed, say 20 mph for 2 or more seconds.

Another easier option is to use an NFC tag to trigger/toggle your car app. Just program the tag & stick it somewhere inconspicuous inside your car. Touch the phone to it when you enter or exit.

I do miss the docks my Motorola phones had!
I would do the NFC thing. It's just easier and foolproof.
Thanks for the responses. I have the car home app setup to launch when I connect to my blue tooth device in my car, but I was hoping for something a little more automated. I thought maybe there was an event that I could trigger like when the phone senses a magnet and launches the desk clock. I was hoping to have it launch the car home instead of the desk clock.