Resetting battery stats


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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My x use to go a full 24 hours + easy, i use the verizon extended battery. Now I lose about 10% an hour, and I don't use my phone much, low to moderate usage. I tried resetting battery stats but it didn't change anything, i checked spare parts and at 100% charge my battery 4025 mV. Is that normal or is something wrong with my battery?
When you charge it leave it on the wall charger about an hour past when it says it's done. I notice this helps a lot.
Are you using a usb port on the computer to charge your device, or are you using the wall charger?

The wall charger puts more milliamps through the battery for a faster, stronger charge.
usually at full my battery reads 4258 mV. Ive noticed it drops from 4.2 to 3.9 rather fast and then stabilizes at about 3.75 to 3.6 for almost 50% of the charge... this is normal since lion and lipos are meant to provide 3.7
Wall, I meant to say 4.25 im just finding it odd my battery life has taken a turn for the worst for what seems like no reason.

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You're using the liberty Rom? I've noticed my battery going down hill until I did the battery mod. Follow the instructions and you'll notice battery life again.
I was on liberty, I tried Apex tranq and now Fission trying to get better battery life but it's all the same.

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The latest rubiX had the best battery for me. I could go almost 30 hours with moderate usage.
If you are using a task killer with an auto kill function, stop using it. Contrary to popular belief, this uses more power than it saves.

Instead, install Watchdog Lite and see if there are any apps that are using a lot of resources. You will be able to see what is eating your battery.
Installing watch dog but no I don't use task killers.

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