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Ready to flash first ROM on Droid R2D2, but have questions


New Member
I'm planning on trying to flash Liberty 2.0 through the Liberty Toolbox Donate app on my R2D2 but want to get some input before hand to make sure I have all the bases covered. I know most of these questions have been discussed elsewhere and i apologize for asking them but I've seen conflicting answers and would just like to get a current consensus from everybody. First I'll include some basic info so you all know what I'm working with. I have a Droid R2D2 running the stock rom that's rooted using z4root. I've already downloaded Droid 2 Bootsrapper which I used to create a backup last week when I rooted my phone. I also have Titanium Backup Pro along with some other modding apps that probably don't need to be named because they're not important for flashing a rom. I'm pretty sure I have got down how to flash the actual rom so don't think I need help with that part but here are my other questions.

1) Since I have the R2D2 edition do I really need to flash to the regular Droid 2 firmware before flashing Liberty because I've heard some say yes and some say no?
2) I made a backup last week using Bootstrap recovery and have made a few changes since like adding Titanium Backup Pro but nothing else major, so should I make a new recovery before I flash Liberty?
3) I've already backed up all my apps and useful data (ones highlighted green), is there any other service data I should backup using Titanium?

That pretty much covers my questions, so thank you to anyone who can provide me with some help.
don't take this the wrong way...but you're kinda late to the party...ROM development is about done on this phone.

Maybe it's a good thing. you can read through all the forums and get the latest and greatest...find out who had the least problems on which ROM.

I've been running Squid fullblur for about 4 months now and have been very happy. It was a BEAST when I first loaded it...2600 quad scores...Now I've got it loaded down with so much bloat that I'm lucky to get over 1800.

I'm pretty sure the R2D2 is the same as the regular D2. You shouldn't have any problems as long as you follow the instructions of the ROM thread you choose.

So funny, I'm just picturing you walking into the party with your R2D2 in one hand and a twelve pack in the other, "LET'S PARTY!"...while everybody else is already passed out all over the place...Thanks for the flashback to college.:icon_eek:

Good luck with your ROMing...it really is the most fun you will have with your phone. nothing comes close to finding that perfect ROM that's got everything and is super fast....
Haha, yeah I know I'm definitely late starting the modding game on this phone and I really do feel like that guy showing up to the party after everyone's already passed out. I've had this phone for a while and just took a while to start experimenting with it. Oh well I'll just try and work with what's already out there which like you said is alot.

I know you're right about the R2D2 and the regular Droid 2 being basically the same but from what I understand the R2D2 never got the OTA update that the regular Droid 2 did. Therefore the firmware is a little different which some say makes it impossible to flash different Roms without flashing the update first. I've heard some people have success without flashing to the newer version so I may just take a shot at it and if it goes into bootloop I guess I'll just have to flash it back again.

Thanks for the help that you did offer, it's good to see people willing to help out.

Sent from my DROID R2D2 using DroidForums
I flashed liberty1.5 with no problems. Now I'm running liberty 2.0. But I always make a current backup before I flash anything. Just in case there was something I forgot.

Sent from my DROID2 R2D2
Thanks lopedog, it gives me a lot more confidence to try and flash liberty since I see someone has actually done it without having to flash that newer stock firmware. So tonight when I get home from work I'm going to make a new backup and then try it and see what happens. I'll post and let yal know what happens, thanks again.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
I'm just like lopedog, I was running 1.5 and now 2.0 as of last night. You shouldn't have any problems flashing. =D You said you made all the neccesary backups, so you should be set. I know I was nervous and quite scared of flashing as well, but the customization is awesome. Good for you that 2.0 just came out like two days ago. I love the new updates, you shall be pleased. And I suppose your a bit late, but not entirely. Most noteworthy ROMs will also be getting a gingie update, or so I presume. Have fun, and good luck!
Hey everybody just figured I'd give an update and let everyone know that I'm now running Liberty 2.0.1 and everything's working perfect so far. It really was a lot easier to flash the ROM than I thought it would be and now I'm amazed at how much faster, smoother, and more efficient the phone functions. I've barely scratched the surface of all the modding tools included with Liberty but from what I can see so far I'm really impressed.

Thanks again to those who posted for your help and support
So if you need to flash a back up what all do you need to do before you do it? I have been looking around forums but nothing yet. Just alot on flashing ROMS and themes...
Sent from my Liberated DROID2 GLOBAL
So if you need to flash a back up what all do you need to do before you do it? I have been looking around forums but nothing yet. Just alot on flashing ROMS and themes...
Sent from my Liberated DROID2 GLOBAL

Use the bootstrapper app and reboot into recovery mode. There use the volume keys for up/down, power is back, and camera button is enter. select back/restore, select restore, then select the backup you want to restore. It only takes a few minutes. I bounced back and forth between fission and stock getting contacts and apps. Its really easy, as long as you have the backups.

As long as you have those backups, you can switch back and forth between any ROM and stock.
To create a backup you don't need to wipe the cache and data, but when you flash a ROM you will have to. When I downloaded Liberty it came with directions saying to do so and I'm guessing most others will include instructions letting you know that also.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Sorry, just realized you were talking about restoring your phone not backing it up. I've not yet had to use a restore so I'm not sure about that one but I would think that you would not have to wipe the cache and data.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
So I tried to restore a backup up. The one I made after I installed Liberty worked fine. The back up I made before I flashed Liberty didn't work. I even cleared data. Not sure what I did wrong... not even sure I can do that since I flashed Liberty. Just trying to learn how to do it.
Sent from Liberated DROID2 GLOBAL
What exactly happened when you tried to flash back to the stock rom ? Like the other person said as long as the backup is successful you should be able to go back and forth between liberty and stock, having liberty shouldn't be causing the problem. I know when I was researching everything I found a really useful thread under the Droid x section that detailed everything from making backups to having to sbf back to stock which may be what you have to do if you really need to get back to stock and none of your stock backups are working. I'll try and find that thread and if I can I'll post a link.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Maybe I didn't do it correctly... I plan on trying again but doing more research first. If you are able to find that thread and post link that would be awesome. If not do you remember what the title was or do you remember what area it was in?