I find it a bit amusing that for years a couple of the big pluses of Android phones over an Iphone were the ability to remove the battery and having an SD slot. Almost every time comparisons came up they were one of the first things mentioned. Now all of a sudden the Razr and the Nexus don't have one or the other and it isn't an issue anymore. Huh?
I think that people get so locked in on a device that they just disregard things that would have been a problem on other phones. I think this is especially true in regards to the Nexus. If the Bionic did not have an SD card slot, I would bet that there would be many people slamming it for that reason, and, maybe, rightly so.
I personally could probably do without the SD card. But I also like having it to store music on. In regards to the battery however, I personally would not buy a phone without a removable battery. I currently have a Bionic and two spare batteries (extended and regular) and use them regularly. To those who say that the Iphone manages without a removable battery, I would only add that I have a friend I work with (Law Enforcement) who has an iphone. Whenever we go out, he always has his phone charging. He, not me, is always saying that the battery life on the phone sucks. Now I don't know how much he uses it but I would estimate a lot because he is always using it when when I see him. Finally, to those who mention replacing the battery (dead, etc.) I would think that most people replace their phones before the battery ever goes dead. So I don't think this is that big of an issue.
And of course all of this is just my opinion and I have been known to be wrong. Just ask my wife.