I have had a 2012 Ford Focus since October 2012. My phone connects to the system fine and the media player connected to BTAudio. All was well. One day I got in the car and all of a sudden the BTAudio wasn't there. And by wasn't there I mean it was no longer an option on the Entertainment menu. I've unpaired and paired the phone numerous times with no help. I went to the dealership where we did the same and the tech was able to pair his iPhone audio without a problem. We did a factory reset on the sync system which did nothing. So the conclusion was that it's the phone. I've been reading on here and other forums and tried a few things. I had a fleeting moment where I was able to have to BT Audio appear back in the list but when selected, it said there was no device connected even though the phone was connected. That was after unpairing and changing settings under sync to no audio. But this morning, it's all gone again. I called Verizon and their ever helpful advice was to do a factory reset which I haven't done. Any other ideas?