

Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
OK - I have to say, the droid can be pretty spectacular in a number of things and I really like this site as I've used it for reference info before I picked it up. However, there is one feature that is missing that I didn't even think they wouldn't have (every cell phone I've had has had it....)

Quicktext (or some other label) that you have preset text messages that you can insert into the send field and not have to type the whole thing. There are several I send all of the time, but I cannot find any apps that will do this. Speedy sms will almost, but it won't put the address in correctly. It's prolly a 2.0 issue.

Does anyone have any idea of software that will work? This is really a necessity for me and there has to be something.
Thanks all! :)

hey long hold click on home screen. Go to Shortcut. Then go to direct contact/direct sms/direct call. This puts them on the homescreen!
Thanks for the reply. That I know, but it just opens an empty sms message. I've been using that. What I need is a shortcut to paste a specific text, such as 'I'm on my way home' or 'Just turning in now, come on out' or something. I have several text phrases that I use constantly and it's annoying to do the whole thing over and over... :) All the other cells (and pdas) I've used have this feature. It's usually called quicktext or something similar.
Handcent SMS has this option, you can make it replace the stock messaging ap.
That looks awesome. Thank you! I knew there had to be something, but there were so many sms handlers I couldn't go through them all. The Handcent seems to be a pretty thorough one. Although the bubbles for conversations was a bit odd at first ;)
you can also try using 'Inserty'. it lets you save canned texts and insert them into any text field