Quick iOS vs. Android Question


Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Here's the question: Why do people believe Android's multitasking is superior to iOS's?

I have a D1 and an iPod Touch and I feel that the ability to close running apps on iOS is better than Android just showing the list of recent apps. I am in no way a fan boy for either OS, I am just wondering what the justifications are for the judgment that Android has better multitasking.
Its an opinion. And of course on here some will be swayed.

I also believe that IOS multitasking is superior.
Android multitasking is what some would call 'real' multitasking. For Android, it actually acts like a desktop computer where, if there is enough RAM, it will keep open apps running even after you've left the app. Where as in iOS, all apps but the phone and music player, are not left running but 'frozen' until you return to them.
Android multitasking is what some would call 'real' multitasking. For Android, it actually acts like a desktop computer where, if there is enough RAM, it will keep open apps running even after you've left the app. Where as in iOS, all apps but the phone and music player, are not left running but 'frozen' until you return to them.

Yeah, but there is no reason for them to be running, so they are just using resources. Unless an app is finishing a task, which also in IOS it will still do. So freezing the operation is more ideal. And IMO on IOS the UI makes for quicker/ more efficient switching.
Android multitasking is what some would call 'real' multitasking. For Android, it actually acts like a desktop computer where, if there is enough RAM, it will keep open apps running even after you've left the app. Where as in iOS, all apps but the phone and music player, are not left running but 'frozen' until you return to them.

How is it more like a desktop computer? My computer doesn't automatically kill apps but on a computer I have the choice to kill apps that take are hogging resources.
From what I understand the IOS isn't really multitasking. Like said above, it's just a way to switch between programs.

Android OS actually RUNS the other program in the background while you're doing other things.

In the end I don't think it really matters all that much unless something like the music player stops when you switch to maps, which would annoy me.
Here's the question: Why do people believe Android's multitasking is superior to iOS's?
Android doesn't restrict what can and what cannot multitask as iOS does.

Yeah, but there is no reason for them to be running, so they are just using resources.
Common misunderstanding. Not all background apps use resources as newbies tend to assume. And you're blindly assuming that there would never be any reason for apps to run in the background which is flawed. Depends on the specific situation.
Here's the question: Why do people believe Android's multitasking is superior to iOS's?
Android doesn't restrict what can and what cannot multitask as iOS does.

Yeah, but there is no reason for them to be running, so they are just using resources.
Common misunderstanding. Not all background apps use resources as newbies tend to assume. And you're blindly assuming that there would never be any reason for apps to run in the background which is flawed. Depends on the specific situation.

No junior, thats not what I meant. I know how it works. And I never said anything about the "need" for apps to run in the background. Actually, I DID say IOS will continue to run apps in the background when necessary. And for some apps, if coded improperly, android WILL run in the background when not necessary, and yes they will just use resources.

The fact is, and all ya'll android lovers will have to get over it, IOS handles it better.

PS- IOS doesnt restrict what runs in the background anymore...so thats off the table.
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Here's the question: Why do people believe Android's multitasking is superior to iOS's?
Android doesn't restrict what can and what cannot multitask as iOS does.

Yeah, but there is no reason for them to be running, so they are just using resources.
Common misunderstanding. Not all background apps use resources as newbies tend to assume. And you're blindly assuming that there would never be any reason for apps to run in the background which is flawed. Depends on the specific situation.

No junior, thats not what I meant. I know how it works. And I never said anything about the "need" for apps to run in the background. Actually, I DID say IOS will continue to run apps in the background when necessary. And for some apps, if coded improperly, android WILL run in the background when not necessary, and yes they will just use resources.

The fact is, and all ya'll android lovers will have to get over it, IOS handles it better.

PS- IOS doesnt restrict what runs in the background anymore...so thats off the table.

I gotta agree with you on this. android does a great job of managing resources, but a rogue app can easily bring your system to a halt if coded improperly. if the app is not doing anything there is no reason for it to be running, even if its not using resources. The con side of that is memory leaks of poorly coded apps. freezing the app in memory is definitely more ideal.

now was far as "true" multitasking yes android gets the nod, but only because it does not restrict what can run (of course that opens up memory leak possibilities so it's not some groundbreaking amazing thing).

edit: didn't know that ios doesn't restrict anymore...so yeah...that's off the table lol
I guess (for me) I could care less if you can consider it "real or true" multitasking....for me its all about what "works" better, because in the end thats all that matters ;)
I guess (for me) I could care less if you can consider it "real or true" multitasking....for me its all about what "works" better, because in the end thats all that matters ;)

yeah i edited my reply...i didnt see that you mentioned that ios now doesnt restrict...if that's true, then there's no doubt that ios does it better lol
I guess (for me) I could care less if you can consider it "real or true" multitasking....for me its all about what "works" better, because in the end thats all that matters ;)

yeah i edited my reply...i didnt see that you mentioned that ios now doesnt restrict...if that's true, then there's no doubt that ios does it better lol

I guess it depends on how you look at it....they dont restrict the multi-tasking operation, however Apple obviously restricts the apps themselves...sooooo....yeah
ah i see what you're saying...i thought you were saying they took off all the restrictions...even still the ios way is more efficient that android, and that's only because of issues with apps that are running in the background that shouldnt be
Well, IOS is a much better built, more solid, smoother OS than android. It just is, its more seasoned and the fact that Apple has a death grip around it brings quality up top notch. Same with the apps, the quality is much higher because of that grip. This and the fact that they are writing everything for 1 single device.

Now, thats also their downfall because people want freedom and choice, thats what they get from android. Alot of variations on the software and a huge assortment of devices to choose from. But the products (being that there are so many) just wont be as polished in the end.

Its just great that we have sooo many choices, neither is better than the other, just different....to each his own.
yeah its a catch 22 on both sides, people want choice so they get android but get less quality apps, they want better apps so they get ios but only one device. clearly choice is going to win, simply because there's so much choice, but if android could get their crap together ios would be a distant memory lol