[Question] Who Should Make the Next Nexus?

I know this is out there but I would so totally buy an Asus nexus. They actually seem fit to do it. I think the people who care about nedus phones tend to be a bit more techy and Asus is a very well known tech company... they are the king of motherboards after all.

omg, Asus Nexus

Asus Nexus

Asus Nexus
I would like to see Asus or Sony honestly. Next choice would be Moto for the hardware as long as they get some better screens. LG would be my last last choice. I'd buy a Huawei nexus before an lg nexus.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using DroidForums
Motorola has made a phone that Google directly codeveloped. It was called the G1 on T mobile, was the first android phone, is the only non nexus device that Google has codeveloped, and it became their flagship device.
I wouldn't mind giving Motorola a chance.
HTC if the phone is actually good and doesn't just look good on paper with nice numbers but end up performing awful and having bad battery life. Or get abandoned. If it has a decent battery life, maybe.
I wouldn't want Samsung again. I want something fresh and new. Plus the galaxy s phones are good anyway.
Definitely not LG or Sony. Sony's devices don't seem to get picked up by any carrier and always seem to be lagging behind. LG was the mcdonalds of the mobile industry when I was in customer support. You never got what you thought you paid for. You get something that breaks, doesn't perform right, or that nobody has heard of.
Motorola gets my vote. They can release a phone right afterwards but it won't be another nexus.
But I doubt moto will get it. Google might look at them and say "nah it'll look like we are playing favorites. The boss can't date a cashier."
I wont get a non nexus android again, but if LG or Sony make the nexus, or if Verizon doesn't get it, I might go with an iPhone, presuming the next one catches up to android

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Motorola would be my number one pick. My d1 took a beatin' under my ownership an worked like a champ everyday.

Though it be interesting to see a Sony Nexus...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
big screen in pocket = i like the curved screen. so unless someone else makes a big phone like that, i say stick with samsung. cause i'd like something closer to 5in in my nexus shape

my d1 did work well, but from my friends having x's and stuff. the d1 was pretty much the only good phone they made. even though the maxx battery is a good idea... anything with the moto silly bump is for someone else besides me

i'd check out sony for sure thou... i liked what little i've played with their old android phone but it was gsm only.
I would like to see Asus or Sony honestly. Next choice would be Moto for the hardware as long as they get some better screens. LG would be my last last choice. I'd buy a Huawei nexus before an lg nexus.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using DroidForums
Those two would actually be quite interesting to see. Especially Asus as I already love their tablets. Sony I'm not too sure about, but it'd be interesting to see and would probably look really great. They just have done too much with phones yet that have made a big enough "bang".
I don't care who makes it as long as it has an omap5, 2gigs of ram, 6hours of screen and doesn't break when I drop it :p
dont forget Moto usually has some pretty good accessory lines to go with phones..something Sammy has failed at miserably with our Nexus
I don't understand why everyone hates on Motorola. Of all the phones I've ever had, moto has by far the best record of solid hardware.
That said, I bought my wife an Asus Transformer (not the prime, don't always trust first releases) for Christmas and it might be the best electronic device I've owned. So solid, and the interface is just perfect. I'd love to see Asus get a crack.

If the next Nexus is Samsung, HTC, etc, I'll look at it as "just another phone." If it's moto or Asus, I'll go out of my way to get one.

Lib3rat3d DX
Personally as far as I am concerned I am buying a Nexus, not whatever the manufacturer is. If they (Google) holds true to their standards then whoever makes it will produce a great device. I own the G-Nex and I have never once referred to it as my Samsung, to me it is a Nexus, end of story.
Personally as far as I am concerned I am buying a Nexus, not whatever the manufacturer is. If they (Google) holds true to their standards then whoever makes it will produce a great device. I own the G-Nex and I have never once referred to it as my Samsung, to me it is a Nexus, end of story.

Yea, there really is nothing Samsung about it. I think of it as the "solid and beautiful Nexus"!
Personally as far as I am concerned I am buying a Nexus, not whatever the manufacturer is. If they (Google) holds true to their standards then whoever makes it will produce a great device. I own the G-Nex and I have never once referred to it as my Samsung, to me it is a Nexus, end of story.
Haha, very true! If it meets Google's standards, it's going to be a great phone no matter what. Some companies will work on certain things better than others though I believe.

Personally I think it would be kind of cool to have all the main companies all make prototype Nexus, see which is be best, and go from there. It won't happen of course.. but I think it'd be pretty awesome and a good idea.