New Member
I know this was covered in another post a long time ago and I can't seem to find this to verify so figured I would make a post here. For a while now I've been quite bored with my HTC Thunderbolt and I've been wanting to upgrade it. I purchased it when it came out in march of this year so I'm not eligible for an upgrade until december of 2012. There was a post made about adding a second line to your existing plan to get the upgrade price. Then you would need to activate the phone on that new line but after that it could be switched over to your main line. Once that was done throw a "dummy" phone on the new line and suspend the data package so it will only cost 9.99 a month. My questions are a: does this work and have people here done it before? b: if this does work because right now I am using a plan that only has 1 phone on it will adding an additional line change my grandfathered unlimited data to tiered, or will it remain? If this doesn't work I may just bite the bullet and pay retail for it but I wanted to try and avoid that if at all possible and an extra 9.99 a month instead of retail is acceptable. Any and all help regarding this issue is greatly appreciated!