Not exactly, Almighty Zod. You see, Mister ....
"He's a general! "
I mean, Mr. General, sir. Here is the deal. Your Micro SD card in your Droid X will work in the Razr. I know this for a fact since I used my Razr to transfer my GFs music to a card and then stuck it in her Droid X.
For the built-in storage of the Razr, although it has 16 gb only a fraction is available for the user. 3 gb is partitioned for app storage. 8 gb is for general "Internal Memory/Storage" also called Media Storage. Apps that have the "move to SD card" feature actually get moved to the phone's internal Media Storage partition. You can also put music and pics in Media storage. The remaining internal storage is resrved for the operating system and MotoCast.
So, you can put up to 29 gb music on a 32 gb sd card (formatted ) and 8 gb music in media storage on the phone itself. Total of 37 gb music possible on your Razr.
Or course, Google Music is now free and allows you to upload 25,000 songs to their cloud. Then you can stream to the Google Music app on the Razr. I do not use this app because I prefer music on my card and it uses less battery power than streaming from the cloud. Also, Google Music kept rebooting the Droid X when my GF uses it. Not sure if it works on the Razr, though.
Also, search various forums for keywords Droid Razr 64 gb micro sd card. I do believe several users have gotten the Droid Razr to format and use a 64 gb micro sd card. A bit pricey at the moment, though.
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