Question about notification bar...


New Member
May 16, 2010
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Love almost everything about my new Droid. One thing that does bug me, however, is trying to pull down the Notification bar, when you need to access the notification area. I can't tell you how many times I've "miss selected" and ended up moving widgets around instead of dropping down the notification window. It's such a small selection area - you need to be very precise with your "select and hold" to get it to open properly.

Here is my question: is there a different way, maybe via some app, to access the Notification area?


I don't know how that gives you problems, but yes there is another way. All you have to do is press the menu soft key and then press "notifications".

Edit: One tip I can give you to pull it down the normal way, is put your finger right above the screen, like right where the motorola is between the earpiece and screen, then swipe down.
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You don't need to select and hold; try just dragging your finger down from above the top of the screen in one swipe.
Love almost everything about my new Droid. One thing that does bug me, however, is trying to pull down the Notification bar, when you need to access the notification area. I can't tell you how many times I've "miss selected" and ended up moving widgets around instead of dropping down the notification window. It's such a small selection area - you need to be very precise with your "select and hold" to get it to open properly.

Here is my question: is there a different way, maybe via some app, to access the Notification area?




I think the other posters have identified your problem. If you're "moving widgets around" it means you're "long pressing" on the screen rather than swiping quickly down from the top. I'm guessing you have some icons on the top row of your screen and with a "long press" your phone assumes you want to move whatever icon you happen to be touching.
+1 -- never had this issue but I "flick" the notification bar to drag it down. It's impossible to move a widget/shortcut this way.