Quad copters


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Jan 16, 2012
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Droid Turbo 2
Wow..these things are really progressing...from the slow hard to control toys of a few years ago..to this..

They race em in Australia now...but the one in this video..wow..
They are awesome. The good ones are $1500 and up.. Way up....
That video is from a guy who actually builds his own custom quads using stock parts. He's really good!

$1,200 will get you a really nice one but I know 2 people who have a few over 4K. Professional photographers.
There are underground racing with them now.
The dude with the duct tape goggles had me laughing though.
My brother-in-law (engineer by trade) just built his own from parts. It's fun watching the progression of his flying skills, having been through the same pains with my cheap $50 one from Radio Shack (RIP). Of course, I'm still having those pains...
I have a friend who builds his own, fairly expensive, with custom high powered motors and special props and lights. In the last 3 months he has lost 3 so he put a GPS tracker on one and lost the drone and the tracker. The tracker got locked onto a cell tower instead of GPS. He's getting pretty ticked off. Another friend has one in a tree he can't get to. Been there for nearly 3 months now.
Ummmm.....if you could provide gps coordinates to said tree, it would be much appreciated.

S5 tap'n
I have a chainsaw for said tree.
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The property owner of said tree is an issue and a simple ladder won't work. I think he's devising a plan that won't work. Sending another one of his drones up to knock it out of the tree.