

Nov 20, 2010
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Reppin' New York City Brah!
Hey all, if anyone here owns a puppy or a dog what should I actually get before adopting the little fella? like a checklist before bringing him home

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So your getting a puppy, you need:
*Dog bowls - 2 one for food and one for water
*Dog Food
*Dog treats - used as rewards and for training
*Leash and a collar
*Kennel, to cage them for the night, unless you feel like cleaning up after the mess they make when locked in a room for the night.
*A Blanket or rug to put in the kennel to keep them comfortable ALSO put a shirt you have recently worn ( one you don't really care about in the kennel, so they get used to your sent. It should help him feel more comfortable as well
*a few toys - stuffed and a ball possibly a tug rope - puppys love to play tug with their toys

*Plan to let your Puppy out about once every hour or two to prevent accidents during the day
*Play with it be for you go to bed then let them out to go to the bathroom, they should be very tired and sleep well with out much chance of an accident.
*let them go out side first thing in the morning usually around 6-7am
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If needed, make sure your backyard is free of holes in fences, gates have good latches, etc.
Thanks to both of you ill keep this information but unfortuantly I do not have a backyard only a parking lot

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Make sure all its legs are the same length too.

We crated our dogs and one still goes into the crate to sleep at night. They are 7 years old now.

He should have had his shots so make sure you have that paperwork too.
As for puppy proofing...you learn as you go. Some dogs get into things, like jumping up on the table so you keep the chairs pushed in and others are power chewers so some toys get eaten within minutes.

Grapes, and raisins: real bad for dogs, don't feed them those.
Chocolate is bad also... you know it doesn't matter how many toys, bones, or whatever, they will still find their way to the remote or your shoes!!
Onions are also toxic to dogs. You should also have a vet and know where a animal hospital is.
Also when you get you puppy the shots. Make sure you have the pup tested for parvo. I just lost my puppy to parvo and he had all of his shots. Vet said he probably had parvo in the kennel and had I had the pup tested they could have saved him.

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