Although it sounds like something out of Shadowrun novel, there is some new tech on the horizon which could make our worries about smart-device battery drain a thing of the past. An Israeli company named StoreDot just showed off a high-tech new prototype battery charger at Microsoft's Think Next event. This new battery charger utilizes Nanodots technology, which is essentially some of the newest nano-tech available.
Nanodots are bio-organic nanocrystals with superior energy storage capabilities, although commercial applications for them could eventually be seen in data storage, flexible displays, and imaging sensors. In this particular application, the Nanodots are used in the battery charger to dramatic effect. In the video demo above, the company uses their prototype to recharge a dead Samsung Galaxy SIII battery in less than a minute! This is probably one of the only times in your life where you can get excited about watching a battery charge.
Right now the size of the nano-tech battery charger is a bit cumbersome, but the developers at StoreDot are working on reducing its size. They are planning on bringing this device to market as early as 2015!
[Editors Note: I've said it before, and I'll say it again... the future looks bright!]
Source: StoreDot