Print and record


Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
MIlford, MI
OK, I've had my Droid for a week and got all of the easy stuff done. What I need now are two apps - a good call recorder and a way to print,either through Bluetooth or over WIFI. The two call recorders on the Market site both were written for earlier versions of Android and have issues, according to the reviews. There also don't seem to be any answers yet for printing off the Droid. Come on developers, there's a market out there waiting! This thing is going to be the handheld replacement for carrying around a laptoip or netbook, if the needed apps are done for it. I have to believe that the needed print drivers already exist for the underlying Linux OS and how hard can it be to do a call recorder and maybe tie it in to the Call Log?

OK, I've had my Droid for a week and got all of the easy stuff done. What I need now are two apps - a good call recorder and a way to print,either through Bluetooth or over WIFI. The two call recorders on the Market site both were written for earlier versions of Android and have issues, according to the reviews. There also don't seem to be any answers yet for printing off the Droid. Come on developers, there's a market out there waiting! This thing is going to be the handheld replacement for carrying around a laptoip or netbook, if the needed apps are done for it. I have to believe that the needed print drivers already exist for the underlying Linux OS and how hard can it be to do a call recorder and maybe tie it in to the Call Log?


For call recording, try Call Recorder. For printing, check out cyPrint Free, PrinterShare and Send 2 Printer. All in the Market. Call Recorder works well. Have not tried printing apps yet, but plan too. Send 2 Printer sounds like the best alternative, gonna give it a try first. Been looking for a way to print to me Epson wireless printer.
Have you really tried the call recorder? I read the reviews on the Market site and they pointed to serious issues with that app. It doesn't appear to have been upated since the Droid was introduced and the developer's Web site is gone.

As for the print stuff -they probably all suck right now, mainly due to a lack of any integration with other apps. I downloaded and installed PrinterShare. It works but only lets you print stuff that no one would really care about anyway - the call log and contacts and such. The print photos capability might appeal to some. It can't print stuff that you might create using the DocTsoGo app or other text creation apps SOme developer somewhere is going to have to create a suite that allows capabilties like DocsToGo along with a print capability.

It's early in the life of the Droid and that is really showing in the apps. Give it a month or two and there should be some really useful apps out there.