Price Confirmed for Motorola Xoom - $799 Unsubsidized Verizon, $600 WiFi Only Model

Hm, same price as the iPad WiFi 32GB, which is better than the original leak of only $800. Still I wish there was a 16GB version or something that rivals Apple's base price of $500.
You think the IPAD 2, 32gig wifi version is going to be less then 600$?

Perhaps not less but right around the exact same price and moto should have priced themselves lower so as to capture market share. The ipad has a year head start and android tablets need to catch up to garner app dev interest.

Apple tends to add a lot more into their devices year after year without raising the price...i.e. iPhones
i think i will still be checking into the Toshiba tablet. After motos big lock down and the way the updates are with the droid series, the xoom just kinda lost my interest. Plus i like the styling of the Toshiba Tablet as well :icon_ banana:.
Wait a second....So a 3G capable version - which would require it's own data plan (and voice?) is $200 more? Are you kidding me? On the other hand, $30 a month for a data plan and I could get rid of my home broadband ($50). VZW really needs some sort of bundled package, like unlimited LTE on 1 phone, 1 tablet and 1 PC for $60 a month.

Not complaining, wifi is the way to go (just get an LTE phone and tether!). $600 ain't a bad price at all.

It is software upgradeable to LTE... I got that confirmed last week @ verizon's LTE live event... Soo it isn't just 3g...
Ahh I wonder how long after the 3g one drops that this one will be available. They will prolly sucker me into the$800 one if it is mute than two months later.
The wifi only iPad does not have gps. Will the xoom have a similar scenario?
okay, so $799 for the Xoom, $20-$50 for 3g service on it, $40-$150 for accessories plus the tax. That's about $1,000.
The wifi version is right where it should be. As soon as it's available for pre-order I'm in.

I also was just reminded that my fantasy football team won this year... I forgot! Luckily the commissioner just shot me an email last weekend about sending me my championship pre-paid Visa and trophy! BAM! That my friends is a free XOOM! I was already socking away cash for one anyway, so I guess I'll use that for accessories.


I'm in the same boat, Dusty... I rode Michael Vick all the way to a FREE XOOM!! AND a free Thunderbolt, if it really exists...
oh yeah, that wifi Xoom is mine. i'm giddy about it. at that price i'm not even overly concerned with buying a new tablet every two years or so. (comes down to less than $30 a month for having new technology evry two years). i got a 1st gen droid X, rooted, and barnacle wifi tether. with the wifi xoom i'll be all set. next will be an LTE device with wifi tether and i'll be good for the next few years! saaaweeet.

only thing that could change my mind on the Xoom....if, be the time it comes out there will be a comparable tablet by another manufacturer without the locked bootloader or some isht. i hate motorola for that fact....the droid x could be beasting if it wasnt for the bootloader....
I was sold already on this, but I'm just going to get the wifi one. I can tether with my rooted droid so who gives a damn!!!