prepaid droid?


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
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hi, i am new here( new to any type of forum),dont quite understand it yet,so im sorry if i am doing this droidx service has been turned off (behind on bill)..i wondered if there is a way to set my phone up so i can somehow buy minutes or something like that ( like a tracphone i guess). i love this phone,but cant afford the plans .i am aware i can still use the wi-fi.( wondered also if that will stop) hopefully this makes sense..if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great! thanks:hail:
hi, i am new here( new to any type of forum),dont quite understand it yet,so im sorry if i am doing this droidx service has been turned off (behind on bill)..i wondered if there is a way to set my phone up so i can somehow buy minutes or something like that ( like a tracphone i guess). i love this phone,but cant afford the plans .i am aware i can still use the wi-fi.( wondered also if that will stop) hopefully this makes sense..if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great! thanks:hail:

Only way to make the phone into a prepaid phone is to flash it to the Cricket carrier, but since Cricket is owned by Verizon I wonder if they will even honor it under service for you

A for WIFI, there is no way for the cartier (Verizon) to prevent you from using the phone on WIFI, even if the phone never had a service plan. The phone I am typing on now is my old Droid 2, and since I upgraded to a RAZR, I've used this phone as a WIFI phone and internet tool, as well as a glorified remote control for my FIOS TV service.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
prepaid droid

thank you so much for replying! im happy to hear about the wi-fi. as i have been "researching" trying to find an answer to my question i have been seeing alot of the terms"flashing"(like you said) and "unlocking"...unfortunately for me, i have no idea what either of those terms a friend was telling me that theres an app that will allow me to text without service? idk what she meant..would you happen to know what shes talking about? again...tytyty so much :):biggrin:
Textfree from Pinger. Available in the market (now called Play Store). I use it and love it. Totally free, gives you a real free texting phone number, and actually texts you with the caller ID if someone tries to call your Textfree phone number by mistake.

It works over the data lines (internet), not cellular, so if you have WIFI, you can text to any phone and receive texts from any phone.

Have fun! ;)
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
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There is another prepaid service called Page Plus Cellular. You could switch your Android phone to them and pay as little as $10. They do not have a data plan requirement. I would suggest switching to them; using your Android as much as possible on WiFi networks and pay as little as you want for texting and calling. If your contract has expired and our account is not suspended they cannot hold up the porting of your phone number.

I have also had pretty decent luck finding out of contract phones on craiglist and activating them on Page Plus under new numbers. You will have to double check the ESN to make sure it is clean though.
I also have my Droid X2 on with Page Plus. Verizon screwed me over so by January I will have all 4 phones on Page Plus. Works just as good as my Verizon phone and I was told any Verizon phone can be flashed to Page Plus.
OH, by the way: Hello! This is my first post.:icon_ lala: