Pre orders STARTING tomorrow..

I can't decide on the dang accent color either. Part of me wants to be bold and do red, but I like the look of the dark grey for a more conservative approach...

I'm thinking I might get crazy on payday tomorrow and just buy the thing outright. Mine's a bit more than your's, because I intend to make myself keep it longer, so I opted for 64GB. I think I could swing the purchase and rent this pay period, but I'll have to pinch the crap outta my pennies for at least the next 2 weeks. Haha! Good news is, I'm ahead on a couple other beginning of the month bills, so I can afford to not pay those this month. I think I can swing it, but I'll have to actually crunch the numbers. Sure would like mine on order ASAP so I can get it day one. :D

Just don't tell the wife if I end up not having to make payment because I went ALL IN. ;)
If I could get in, I'd buy one.
Weird. I just tried on my phone & got an error trying to sign in with Google, but was able to login with my email & password & see my phone sitting in my cart.
Finally got in. 32 or 64? Has an sdcard slot...hmm

Do you guys buy protection for $80?
I'm planning on hanging onto this one for at least a couple years, so I went 64, just so I don't have to worry about letting useless apps build up. I've got Google Music setup to download my thumbs up songs whenever I'm on WiFi, so those'll continue to go on my sd card.

I go pretty easy on phones, so I won't be going with protection. Only time I ever had to swap a phone was when the radio in my s4 just crapped out. Guy at the vzw store had never seen anything like it either.
I can't say whether or not to buy the $79.99 protection plan, that's obviously a personal decision. I can say that if you don't have it and do end up breaking your phone, their customer service / replacement process was awesome for me. My daughter dropped her 2014 custom Moto X and cracked the screen. I created an advance exchange repair ticket and had an exact replacement phone on my doorsteps in 4 days for $150.00 (they did put a $400 hold on my credit card until I returned the broken phone...I understand that...can't give away new phones on the honor system). If it's a warranty claim there may not be any fees up front (I think they put a hold on your credit card until your broken phone arrives at their facility). But $150.00 for a brand new phone with the same options is pretty awesome in my opinion. Then again, the protection plan gets you 3 replacements for broken phones with a $49 processing fee each time. Those prices may be higher for the 2015 Moto X, but their customer service has not been lacking in my experience if you do need a replacement.
I can say that I'd like to get my hands on one before I order, just in case, or I may wait to see what the nexus phones are all about. Too many desirable options..

on the move..