Power button in original Droid


New Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hey guys,

The power button in my original droid stopped working. It seems like the spring broke. Took it to the store and they told me that they can't fix it. Has anybody encountered this problem? I got my phone the day it came out and didn't purchase the extended warranty! :icon_evil:
Hah, mine (original Droid) just did it this morning :mad:

At least it still works so guess I won't worry too much - I got it when it first came out and I'm up for a new phone later this Fall. When's the Motorola BIONIC coming out?
If you still have a warranty, then use it. It's good for one year.

The button on my D2 feels a little funky to me. The one on my D1 still feels good.
+1 for warranty if you have it -- this is a pretty common problem.