possibly bricked droid global...


New Member
Mar 3, 2011
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I've had my phone rooted for quite a while now and no problems whatsoever. today i felt like seeing if i could overclock it and i downloaded jrummys dx/d2 overclock app. i didnt push anything exept for "set freq>high voltage" and thats it. i didnt click set freq on boot or anything like that. my phone has been running slow all day for some reason and this just set it over the edge i guess.

it will boot all the way up into the normal system, but about 3 seconds after tasker loads (which is maybe 20 sec after it boots into the normal operating system and i unlock the phone) it freezes and then reboots.

i was able to get into the superuser settings and deny everything (dx/d2 overclocker, setcpu, wireless tether, and titanium backup) but that didnt fix it. ive tried killing all processes but that didnt work either.

is there any way ill be able to fix it without sbf'ing it? im currently charging the battery right now just in case but it would be very nice if i didnt have to sbf it.

thank you for your help

edit: btw i have not made any backups of the system because i never installed any other roms or anything that had the potential to brick my phone (other than this overclock app).
if you made a nandroid backup restore it. If not try going into jrummys settings and click return to stock setting. If that still do not work then an sbf may be what you have to do.
if you made a nandroid backup restore it. If not try going into jrummys settings and click return to stock setting. If that still do not work then an sbf may be what you have to do.

alright i will try that.

do you think i would be able to install a different rom in my phones current state and have it working? or would i have to sbf it first and then install a new rom? ive been thinking about trying some of them out.
yes as long as you wipe data and cache.
i just flashed the sbf and its all back to normal now. thanks for the help.