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Possible noob question from a definite noob


New Member
Let me preface this by saying im not only new to nodding my DROID but new to forums as well. I've been having tons of issues with data connections, both 3g and 4g. After getting ahead of myself initially and getting bootloops and spending hours reading to recover, I now read everything well before I install. Last time I softbricked I used the one click methods to restore and then Pete's 1.06 to root because that seems to be the only one that works(the one included with oneclick restore 1.07 wouldn't work). I wipe everything everytime before I install. Im currently running the deblurred 2.1. Everything Ive read talks about 893 updates... I've never updated my phone personally, my version reads 5.5.893 though... is that a false positive due to rom? Or is it possible it came updated because its only a few weeks old? Please any info or even a link to a post im not seeing would be great because this is getting pretty effin annoying.

Btw I absolutely LOVE the theory roms! I've tried every rom/theme combo I could and while each has they're benefits and the work of liberty and eclipse are definetly appreciated/respected I find the theory roms to be my favorite. Excellent work mates. Kind of miss my thunderbolt...would kind of be cool to have a lean mean sexy pissed off sense rom available for bionic *wink wink* wonder if that's straight up impossible
first off, welcome to the forum. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is a great place to learn as much as you can or want to.

you are seeing the .893 version because the rom is based off of that framework. As far as I know, nobody has the "official" .893 update as it seems to have been constantly changing (up to 5.7.893 last time I checked). There is supposed to be an update coming out, eventually, that will address some of the issues that have plagued the Bionic since its launch.

What everyone is talking about with applying the .893 updates refers to the baseband and kernel updates that came along with the leaked OTA (over the air) update. Some people have noticed increased reliability with data, others have noticed no change whatsoever. So you may or may not want to go that route. However, once you flash it, its there, no way to change the kernel or baseband b/c of the locked bootloader.
first off, welcome to the forum. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is a great place to learn as much as you can or want to.

you are seeing the .893 version because the rom is based off of that framework. As far as I know, nobody has the "official" .893 update as it seems to have been constantly changing (up to 5.7.893 last time I checked). There is supposed to be an update coming out, eventually, that will address some of the issues that have plagued the Bionic since its launch.

What everyone is talking about with applying the .893 updates refers to the baseband and kernel updates that came along with the leaked OTA (over the air) update. Some people have noticed increased reliability with data, others have noticed no change whatsoever. So you may or may not want to go that route. However, once you flash it, its there, no way to change the kernel or baseband b/c of the locked bootloader.

Thank you for your detailed response...from a Lowell man no less (im from Worcester)... just for clarity's sake, you're saying if I install that's it eight? So even if I used rsd to restore it'll still retain the unofficial 893? So I may be better suited to wait it out?
Thank you for your detailed response...from a Lowell man no less (im from Worcester)... just for clarity's sake, you're saying if I install that's it eight? So even if I used rsd to restore it'll still retain the unofficial 893? So I may be better suited to wait it out?

Personally i recommend you go for it and install the .893 update. You have more to gain and nothing to lose. Im also about 80% positive that if youve had battery life issues while running roms you see a major improvement. Thats what ive noticed most. Ive also noticed better signal strength but with any OTA update, pushed by moto or leaked, you have the same chances of it not fixing a thing on your device. Waiting for the update is ridiculous. You wont get it anytime soon anyway im willing to bet. Theres a forum titled "swapping roms" that has a link to the address where you can easily update from .886 to .893. If you ever have to fastboot restore again your system will go back to .886 so thats what it will read in your about phone but with a locked bootloader once the radio and kernel are updated they stay they way.

Edit: if you do decide to update you would do the entire bionic community a gigantic favor if you did a data wipe before hand, updated to .7.893, and then did a nandroid backup of the stock 7.893. Apparently the updates run into issues if you system is showing a different version than the kernel or radio. This creates problems for people who did the 7.893 update if they have to fastboot restore or another update comes out since the current updates wont work again. The kernel will already be on 7.893 so it wont update the system only. If they cant get the system and kernel both reading 7.893 then i speculate the update will fail every time. This is why we need a nandroid of the stock 7.839. That way instead of fastboot restoring when another update comes up or after fastboot restoring after a soft brick we can restore that nandroid backup and bring our system up to date with the kernel. I didnt think about doing it myself until it was already to late and i flashed the theory base rom. But you can still it and i know it will be useful in the future. If youd like me to walk you through it PM me.

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