POP Mail on Bionic


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Davis, CA
I'm new to Droid - 1 week - after years with iPhone -I've searched and perhaps missed it, but need help with sending mail I can receive but not send. I have a Google Acct, but have set my usual mail POP acct as the Default in Google. On the phone, I've disabled all the sync settings in Gmail to stop duplicate messages. I know the account settings for my main mail acct. are correct but I assume it's something in the Outgoing Server settings.

Currently, my SMTP server setting is the same as Incoming (it is in Acct. Settings on my Desktop);
User Name is entered and the same;
Password is correct;
Advanced Settings: I had Port set at 995, then tried 25 (still didn't send);
Secure Password (TLS) is set at Auto (tried Never-didn't send);
Authentication: None (tried Auto - didn't send):
Verify Certificate: Off.

Any suggestions ... related to sending mail :) ...are welcome. Thanks.