I have a droid with froyo 2.2 and am trying to use a new rom following this guide. <mod edit: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/hacking-help/28436-complete-how-how-mod-your-phone-2-1-rom-o-c-mm-boot-animation-etc.html> This is all new to me. I get to steps 15 and 16 and have issues. particularly with 16. I type everything out the way it says and it says, /system/bin/flash_image: cannot open for write: read-only file system. However, the previous step should make this writeable. I have su as indicated by the # symbol. When I type in step 15 it says, Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory. Is it possible that i need the dashes for the rw? If so, how would i write it out? I have confirmed that the files are in the root of my sd however my sd card seems to have some other folders on it . I don't want to reboot until i get an answer here cause i don't know if i've caused any damage to the phone. Anyone know what i should do? The folders i have are .android_secure, Android, dcim, and Lost.dir. The only other files that are on the sd are the ones that are in root. i have flash_image (it is not a txt, i checked. identical match to guide), and recovery-0.99.3.img. Thanks to everyone in advance for their help.
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